
Sally Turner MA VetMB DVOphthal MRCVS RCVS

The ophthalmology service is run by Sally Turner who accepts cases in all areas of ophthalmology, both medical and surgical at the Stone Lion Veterinary Hospital in Wimbledon and Mandeville Veterinary Hospital in Northolt. Many patients can be seen as outpatients although some require hospitalisation following certain surgical procedures. On site facilities include ocular ultrasonography, electroretinography, an operating microscope, a phaco-emulsification machine, ophthalmic laser and cryotherapy providing a full surgical referral service including cataract surgery with lens replacements where appropriate.

Sally is also a member of the BVA/KC/ISDS eye panel and as such can issue eye certificates for breeding purposes under the scheme. Her particular interests include eyelid reconstruction surgery, feline corneal disease, cataract surgery and inherited ocular disease.